Thursday, August 5, 2010

Missing the Mrs.

Right now is officially the longest period of time that Amber and I have been apart since we've been married. So what do you get when you have two days off, a computer, an amazing wife, and an incredible yearning to see said wife? You get a video that looks something like the one below.
WARNING: this is sappy and silly.


Anonymous said...

This is soooooo sweet

Unknown said...

WARNING!?!? Eric, this is the sweetest thing EVER!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eric, that's why we are fortunate to have you for a son-in-law..... the way you love our daughter! Hope all is going well for you on tour. Look forward to hearing of your adventures and seeing you again, DAD-in-law

Sheri Evald said...

Love it. Love her. Love you. I am glad that we raisd a girl strong enough to support you on this opportunity, and she married smart enough to know to take this opportunity. Although you miss her, I hope you have a fabulous time!!

Andy said...

I was hoping for something a little more x-rated.
For you guys, not for me.
I thought it was going to be funny. But it wasn't. Maybe next time...