Yesterday was a very relaxing day off. We are in the lovely New Hampshire, staying just off of Lake Winnipesauke. The weather here is perfect, so we took advantage of it. Here is how the day unfolded:
-Got off the bus around noon and went for a little run.
-Took a dip in the pool and read poolside for about an hour.
-Austen and I went to the pub across the street and got some lunch.
-I walked around the shops for a bit.
-Matt, Ryan and I went into the little town and played mini golf, rode go-carts, and played a few video games.
-The three of us went back to the hotel and I ate my leftovers from lunch.
-Ryan and I went in the hot tub, which had way too much chlorine in it, so when he turned on the bubbles there was about 3 inches of foam on top of the water.
-I went back to the hotel room, cleaned up, watched TV and finished the night with talking on the phone to—you guessed it—Amber.
Doesn’t sound too bad, does it? It was like having a day of vacation. If you’ve been following our tour schedule, you may have realized we went from Scranton, PA to Lake Winnipesauke; or, maybe more appropriately, from The Office to What About Bob. Some of you will understand that…
I leave you with a few memorable quotes from What About Bob:
“What if I'm looking for a bathroom, I can't find one, and my bladder explodes?”
"Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic... and so am I."
“Isn't this a breakthrough, that I'm a sailor? I sail? I sail now?”
“Good morning, Gil. I said, good morning, Gil.”
“I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful...”
“Mmmm… Mmmm… Mrs. M. Mmmmm… is this hand shucked?”
“There are two types of people in this world: those who like Neil Diamond and those who don’t. My ex-wife loved him.”
...We're like ropes on the goodyear blimp.
Fay, this is delicious!
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