As I was thinking of a topic to blog about, I was reminded of an old blog I posted on myspace four point five years ago entitled “Answers.” In this blog, I shared some of my life goals. So in this blog, I will re-visit those in greater detail, maybe add some new ones, and even enlighten you on Amber’s. Here we go…
-Own apartments- This is quite feasible, considering that my parents currently own the apartments that my grandpa Duane built, but it is no longer a life goal. I’m not opposed to the idea, but we can probably take it off the “goals” list and add it to the “take it or leave it” list.
-Own storage units- Just seemed like an easy way to make some money, so it made my list. We can add it to the previously mentioned list though.
-Drive a go-cart on the Great Wall of China- This is definitely still a goal, but I fear that it may never come true. If any of you have any connections, let me know.
-Have a pet duck-billed platypus- “take it or leave it” list. I still think they are cool, but I would rather have a dog.
-Sky dive- I don’t remember this ever being a goal of mine, so we’ll just take it off the list all together.
-Drive one of those giant dump trucks used in large mines in Wyoming that have tires that are twice as long as a man (name that movie)- I hate Wyoming… goal removed.
-Play a show in the orient- It’s off the list. But I was in a band called Climber that had our CD distributed over in Japan. Here is proof. Good company too.
-Invent something- Still would love to do this… although I did invent my travel pillow case that zips up and is equipped with a handle for easy transport through airports.
-Have enough money to not have to worry about money- self explanatory… not there yet.
-Have breakfast at a Starbucks in Seattle, lunch in Nashville at Miyako, and dinner in OK City at Tedd’s CafĂ© Escondido all in the same day- This goal will probably have to wait until the previous goal is met.
-Get hitched- GOAL ACHIEVED!
-Own a 62 ragtop VW bug- It will be mine… oh yes… it will be mine… (name that movie) At this point, the year doesn’t matter though. Just a ragtop bug please. I could also add a Vespa scooter and another late 70’s Honda Civic 1200 like this one I used to own… preferably not exactly like this one.

*I did not wreck this car... fire wrecked this car.
-Build a house- Maybe someday, but Amber and I just bought our first house in May!
-Take a photo that makes it into a book of cool photos- Need new camera.
-Record my own record- This will happen. Amber will be on it.
-Be in a cartoon as a voice or character- Who doesn’t want this?
-Have a song on a movie or video game soundtrack- Technically, this goal was achieved, since the old band I was in did the soundtrack for the critically unclaimed Bibleman game for PC… it was a lame game… I also played guitar on a make-up commercial.
Now on to Amber’s goals:
-Finish school- She will be done with her bachelor’s this summer. Very proud of her I am.
-Visit Rome, and oriental country, and Denmark- Denmark is the main one here, because her grandparents on her dad’s side are first generation Americans and she really wants to see the mermaid.
-(Kids>=2)- She wants to make at least two children. (insert grandma Doris quote here)
-Ride on a train- This seems within reach.
-Swim with dolphins- We could have done this on our Disney cruise, but we haven’t achieved the money goal on my list yet.
-Have a kitty- We mourned the loss of Amber’s 16 year old cat a couple months ago. She would like another at some point.
-Write a book- I think she probably could put one out right now called “Papers I wrote in college: A collection of papers I wrote in college.” So this one is virtually crossed off.
-Read the entire Bible- Lets see how she does with the genealogies.
-See Madonna in concert- I’m speechless.
-Own a Mini Cooper- It will be hers… oh yes… it will be hers…
So those are our goals at this point in our lives. I hope you enjoyed them, and I hope we inspired you to make your own. And that’s the way the cookie crumbles. (name that movie)